Sunday, August 26, 2007


Church this morning was led by our youth team. The music was great and the message, given by Justin, the youth leader, really spoke to me, right where I'm at in my life right now. He talked about how after every night there is a day, and after every winter there is a spring. I guess you could say the last few years have been a winter for my husband and my family and I. Troubles and problems, one after another, have broken me down to the point where I am physically and emotionally exhausted. Not just small troubles, either, but BIG, life-altering, sometimes life-threatening, problems. I often think that the problems will never end, but it was good to be reminded that there will be a spring after this winter of my life. One thing I have learned is to lean on God for all things, or I would never make it thru on my own.

I saw this video on YouTube awhile back and really liked it. I thought it would fit the occasion...just a reminder, you may need to turn my music off first to listen to it..

p.s. nice tat Justin!

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