Monday, September 15, 2008


Migraines...they're so much fun! This one started out like all the others...a dull, achy headache that just doesn't want to go away, soreness and tightness in my neck, then overwhelming exhaustion...pain behind my eye, sensitivity to light and noise, and then a massive headache. And there you have it...a full-blown migraine...

I took a pill, took a bath, and now the headache is gone...but I feel like I've run a marathon and then got ran over by a train.

Fun, fun, and more fun. I guess the upside is that I only get them about once every two or three months now. Not like the every other week fun I used to have! Ah, the beauty of growing old...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Anita - I will not be going to Vancouver as planned. My mom is not feeling well and is going to spend a few days at my house, so please stop by for a visit. Andrea